Wednesday, October 10, 2007

"Just be thankful for what you got"

In the words of that old soul song ...
Carol, it turns out, is probably - not to be too dramatic - my
soul mate.
I know what you're thinking
"soulmate" eyes rolling.
But it's not like that -
for one thing
if we lived together, we'd probably be miserable.
Yes, I love her
and she loves me
but we are now involved in other relationships -
perhaps stupidly
or not.
We still speak frequently, although not as much
and we still find fulfillment in one another -
but no longer in a 'traditional' relationship
we've both changed somewhat -
my primary focus is on my business
and hers seems to be trying to overlook those things
in her relationship that are a repeat of her past.

Each day, I hope the very best for her
and I miss her - just that much more
but - perhaps it's true
"with distance, the heartgrowsfonder".


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